Empanada's dough

The secret of our empanada's dough remains in manufacturing a million of discs without giving up the original artisanal process, always following the same slogan: IMAGINATION AND QUALITY


Criolla dough

Perfect for frying and oven because of its great resistance

Flaky empanada

Without changing its ingredients, depending on how we treat the dough, we obtain flaky dough, criolla and pascualina

Vegan dough

Criolla dough without animal fat, perfect to elaborate 100% vegan empanadas

Empanada copetín

Discs of 9cm, perfecto for the upcoming festivities

Empanada pascualina

Pascualinas of 32cm of diametre, perfect for typical preparations from Genoa.


"The secret of our empanada's dough remains in manufacturing a million of discs without giving up the original artisanal process. Do not take a shortcut in the face of difficulties, the easiest path to the massification. Always following the same slogan: IMAGINATION AND QUALITY" 


The legends explain that the empanada arrived to Argentina with the spanish immigrants around 1800. If we take a look to the word Empanada we can see that comes from the spanish verb empanar, which means "close something in a bread dough or dough to cook in the oven". At the same time, they arrived to Spain because of the arabian invasions but the empanada's first signs come from Greece, where they prepared them with phillo dough.

In the beginning of S.XX, spanish people sold fresh empanadas but cold in markets. However, the italians also sold them but hot, in order to hide the lack of freshness.

The most traditional Empanadas are the Empanadas criolla. As an example we can mention the tucumana, filled with meat, egg and onion. Another characteristic of the empanadas is the way it is cooked; it can be fried or cooked in the oven.

The Empanadas are very well accepted because its special characteristics:

✓ Low price to compose a satisfactory and varied menu

✓ Easy to eat, without cutlery or table

✓ Acceptance regardless of social class or age

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